Customized industrial products with aluminum extrusion

Manufacturing of customized products, parts and industrial prototypes with aluminum extrusion

We can support you in the manufacture of products, parts and prototypes through aluminum extrusion, in which a hot aluminum cylinder is taken and passed through a preheated die in the same way and transversely in which a press will perform the necessary pressure to give it the desired and precise shape previously designed. 

Aluminum extrusion for design solutions for high quality, strong and lightweight parts and products

Benefits of aluminum extrusion

Aluminum is very strong, lightweight, malleable and durable, making it the perfect choice when looking for customized design solutions for high quality parts and products. An extraordinary advantage of aluminum is that it can be recycled countless times and does not lose its properties. 

Among other benefits that we can find when choosing aluminum is that it is anti-corrosive and has an excellent capacity for heat and electricity conduction.

Aluminum extrusion for industrial sectors such as the automation automotive and aerospace industries

In which industries and products is aluminum extrusion used?

  • Automation systems industry.
  • Industrial conveyors.
  • Parts for the automotive industry.
  • Manufacture of parts for the aerospace industry.
  • Industrial led lights.
  • Electronic devices.
  • Windows.
  • Doors.
  • Walls.
  • Construction parts.
  • Architecture.

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